Rachael Weaver
Executive Director

Rachael grew up in a small village outside of Ottawa on a hobby farm. After graduating high school she studied English at McGill University in Montreal, before transferring to the University of Colorado in Boulder, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism. Rachael worked in the television industry in Colorado for almost 25 years before returning to Canada in 2019.

Leslyann Komljenovic

Human Resources Director

Leslyann has over 15 years of comprehensive HR leadership experience supporting teams in upholding their vision and values. Leslyann joined Rivercity Inclusion in August 2024, and looks forward to meeting the teams and learning how she can best support Rivercity Inclusion’s vision and values. 

Jennifer Harms

Quality Assurance Director

Jennifer was born and raised in Campbell River and moved to Victoria after graduating. She pursued a career in hospitality, later deciding to get her diploma in Business Finance. Missing being close to her family she moved back to Campbell River and met her husband. Jennifer joined Rivercity Inclusion in 2015 and instantly felt like this is where she was meant to be.

Sue Reid
Adult Services Director

Sue has a long background in social services with our provincial government supporting agencies who provide services to adults with developmental disabilities. She and her husband also operate a small business in Campbell River.

Hart Bluschke
Children’s Services Director

Hart grew up in Southern Ontario and moved west, lured by mountains, where he spent time  lived in various interior communities before arriving on the Island. Hart started as a volunteer with Rivercity Inclusion in 1992 and has been acquainted with our participants for over 30 years.

Jon Knudsen
Program Services Manager

Jon worked for 10 years as a Pastor in a people forward management position within a church in Campbell River. His role as Pastor allowed him to build skills in management, program services, conflict management and event planning.  

Kaitlyn Smits
Accounts Administrator

Kaitlyn moved to Campbell River 10 years ago and started working for Rivercity Inclusion in 2022. She is happy to work for such an incredible organization.

Sherry Taylor 

Ironwood Place Administrator

Sherry is from the East Coast of Canada, however she has traveled quite extensively over the years. After spending some time in Vancouver, Sherry made her way to the Island and settled in Campbell River in 1990.  Sherry Joined Rivercity Inclusion Society in 2007 at Ironwood Place.  Over the years she has had the opportunity to perform various roles at Ironwood and has enjoyed the experience and knowledge gained in doing so.

Heather McInnis
Payroll & Benefits Manager

Heather was born in northern Manitoba and moved to Campbell River when she was five, later moving to Quadra Island.  She received a Business Administration Diploma from North Island College and received and her Payroll certification through the National Payroll Institute. 

Katelyn Parlee
Administration, Human Resources and Payroll Assistant

Katelyn has a unique work history in office administration, IT support, client services, property management, accounting and finance. Originally from Port Alice, she moved to Campbell River in 2015 after their village pulp mill closed.