Peter Schwarzhoff
Peter Schwarzhoff grew up in Campbell River, but his 30 year career with Environment Canada has taken him from coast to coast, to the arctic and even to Germany where he served in the Canadian Forces. In 2010 he retired back to his hometown and sought a meaningful way to contribute to the community. Peter was asked to join the Board initially to be the only Director without a family member receiving services from the Society. Peter hopes that his program management experience as the Science Manager for the Meteorological Service of Canada in Vancouver will help the Society meet its objectives in supporting the growing number of persons with special needs.
Chris Seeley
Vice President

Chris is the owner/operator of the Boston Pizza in Campbell River. His wife Cindy and their sons Cameron & Connor moved to Campbell River from Prince George in 2008 to take over the business from Chris’ parents. Previous to BP, Chris spent ten years with Home Depot Canada. He was born in Toronto and moved to White Rock, BC when he was 16. His hobbies include mountain biking and snowboarding. He is an avid sports fan, especially of his beloved Maple Leafs. Chris’ parents opened the BP in the summer of 1995 and they have enjoyed a fantastic partnership with Rivercity Inclusion ever since. Whether it’s job skills experience or permanent employment, the family has been proud to partner with Community Living for more than 23 years.

Pat Woods
Pat moved to Campbell River with her husband Doug and two children in 2005. Having lived in the Toronto area their entire lives, Pat and Doug wanted a smaller, quieter community to raise their children, and found that here in Campbell River. They feel fortunate to live in such an incredible place. Pat runs her own small bookkeeping business here in Campbell River. She is honored to be a member for the board of Rivercity Inclusion and to be a part of this amazing organization that supports and respects people of all diversities in achieving a fulfilling life.
Bill Craven

Bill (with wife Karen) returned to Campbell River in 2017 after being transferred away in 2000. Prior to that move, he had been Manager of the downtown CIBC branch for 12 years, and during that time, was very active in the noon Rotary Club, the Masonic Lodge and the Campbell River Shrine Club.

The transfer out of Campbell River, had Bill leading CIBC’s retail operations for central/north Vancouver Island and then for Northern B.C. and the Territories.

After 33 years with CIBC, Bill’s retirement in 2003 was followed by numerous, sometimes lengthy, travel adventures around the world. In 2007 however, he decided to return to the workforce, and took on a second career as a Paramedic with B.C Ambulance Service, and until retirement from them in 2017, was the Unit Chief at Tofino Station.

Karen and Bill have three children (all of whom graduated from either Robron or Timberline) and since each of them, and their families, live in Australia, New Zealand and Wyoming, travelling overseas has been, and still is, a very regular activity.

Bill and his family have lived in a number of communities in B.C. and in each, have always been actively involved in local activities, whether they be service clubs or volunteering. He joined the Rivercity Inclusion Board in 2018 and continues to enjoy not only the work of the Board, but the people and the clients that make it such an important part of our community.

Lucy Newbert

Lucy has lived in Campbell River since 1998. She has retired from a teaching career and occasionally spends time helping in classrooms. She enjoys going for long walks, travelling, knitting, learning new languages, gardening and painting with watercolours.

She has served on theRivercity Inclusion Board for a number of years. She has chosen to be part of this organization because she feels that it plays an important role in supporting and creating opportunities for individuals with disabilities and it assists them in reaching their full potential. Lucy also values the supports that Rivercity Inclusion offers families, as they make lifelong decisions.

Ashley Adie


Ashley has lived in Campbell River since 2003. She is extremely involved with our local Special Olympics as an athlete, as well as an unofficial messenger owl and promoter. Online, she takes on a role as an unofficial messenger owl for Special Olympics BC. Also, as of December 2020, she is also an Athlete Representative on the Special Olympics BC Board. When she is not doing online advocacy or offline sports or training, she works in the Grocery Department at Thrifty Foods.

Adie was diagnosed with a developmental disability at a young age. She received a handful of services off and on over the years, but it wasn’t until she got approved for CLBC in 2018 that she really began benefitting from help from Rivercity Inclusion. It was these services that helped her find her job at Thrifty Foods, of which she’s held steady since November 2018. Presently, she receives Employment Services and Confidence In Community. These services help her find suitable employment and are there for when she needs them, and CIC helps her each week with errands and housework.

She is very passionate and outspoken about seeing people with disabilities have the same rights and accessibility as everyone else. This plays a large part in her role as a Self Advocate on the Board since Spring 2018.

Outside of Special Olympics and Rivercity Inclusion, she enjoys running, cooking, swimming, riding her bike, reading, Starbucks caramel macchiato’s, Tim Hortons coffee w/cream, and naps.

Trisha Bro


Trisha is a Self-Advocate who brings to the table the importance of making decisions for the betterment of individuals who are living and working in the community. Trisha has been on the Board of Directors since 2011, and her contribution has been a great asset.
Brendan Wallace


Brendan has lived in Campbell River his whole life, and is the youngest of four siblings. He has never personally had to live with special needs or have it impact his Family, though he has known many people, and had friends that dealt with it every day. To Brendan the strength they show in striving against adversity has always inspired him.

For his whole life, he’s been raised in a Christian home, which has always instilled a passion in him for serving others. It is something he truly valued about his upbringing, and it motivates him to always lend a helping hand where he can. His faith and strong family ties are a big part of who he is.

Something Brendan has always been involved in is Youth Group. Currently he and his wife Jessica are the Leaders for their Church’s Youth Program. They both love being there to have fun and give their time to the kids.

As a musician, singer, and writer Brendan is always excited to see Performance and Arts being displayed in our Community, and loves to take part; as well as help teach others and see them improve their skills.

Above all else, he loves this place that we live in; it is an amazingly beautiful Community with so much opportunity in store for everyone. He wants to make sure he does all that he can to support it, and Rivercity Inclusion is a wonderful organization in our Community. It was a no-brainer for him to accept a position on its board; so that he may contribute to this awesome group of people that strives to serve our Community, to the best of their abilities, each and every day.

Terri Cranton


Terri is a business owner, wife, and most importantly, a mother. Ken and Terri have lived in Campbell River since 1994 with their children Jessica and Tye.

It became apparent early in their children’s development that they would need to be vigilante and advocate for their rights and necessities. They have had an incredible journey through the different government agencies and local agencies. It started with infant development and continued with the afterschool programs and young adult programs all of which are under the Rivercity Inclusion umbrella. Both of Terri’s children have become contributing members of society, due in part by the wonderful resources that are available here in Campbell River.

During the school years Terri was a parent helper, hot lunch coordinator, chaperon, PAC Chairperson and member to name a few of the experiences that fall on parents. She has had a wonderful time being able to stay home with her children through the years. She’s sure they would have preferred a less vocal, ever watchful mother. Terri has been a member or served on numerous boards such as: Senior’s Center, CR Gaming, and Special Olympics. It’s important for her to be on this board as she can finally give back to the organization that has supported her family so well with resources.

Over the years Terri has been extremely lucky to have had a vast variety of employment, some of these being a hairdresser, truck driver, telephone operator, substitute teacher, BC Ambulance Paramedic and lastly owning a business here. She enjoys reading, walking, and traveling (not so much these days). Terri and Ken will eventually retire in Campbell River and enjoy their children and two amazing grandsons Jack and Oliver.

Michelle Albrecht


Michelle is a long time resident of Campbell River and has a strong history with Rivercity Inclusion. Her two brothers and younger sister have been beneficiaries of Rivercity Inclusion’s services since its inception, and her parents were founding members of the organization.

Michelle enjoyed a 47 year career in service to people with varying needs, 26 of those years with Rivercity Inclusion in a variety of front line and management positions. Michell’s passion has been in educating and mentoring others to be the best support workers they can be.

Recently retired, Michelle enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and travelling the country with her husband in their motorhome. Michelle is excited to continue her involvement with Rivercity Inclusion through working with the Board of Directors.

Claire Moglove


Born in Winnipeg, Claire has lived in Campbell River since 1992, moving here from Vancouver. She was a family law lawyer for over 30 years, retiring from that career in 2014. She served on Campbell River City Council for 3 terms, first elected in 2008, re-elected in 2011 and returned in 2018. As part of her role as a City Councillor, Claire served on the executive of the Union of BC Municipalities, rising to the position of 2nd Vice-President in 2022.

Claire has extensive board experience. She chaired the Comox-Strathcona Regional Hospital District, served on the Board of Governors of Vancouver Island University, and was a member of the Board of Directors of Island Health where she chaired the Human Resources and Compensation Committee.

Currently Claire serves on the Board of Governors of North Island College as well as on the Board of Trustees for the Municipal Pension Plan. Locally, Claire has experience as a Board Member for the CR Community Foundation, the Willow Point Seniors Housing Society, the Campbell River and District Museum and the Strathcona Triathlon Club.

Claire’s hobbies include kayaking, running, hiking, travel, bridge and gardening.

Sandra Rushton


Sandra has worked for 30 years in the finance industry with CIBC, Managing the CIBC branch in Campbell River for several years. She is now mostly retired. She met my husband Mike through Rotary here in Campbell River, 15 years ago. They have a combined family of 4 kids, 7 grandkids and 6 great grand kids. If you see her out and about in the community, it is usually on her bike cycling to raise funds for hospice or helping out at a Rotary event. She joined the Rivercity Inclusion board in 2019, very much enjoys working with the board and seeing what next year brings.
Bruce Murdoch


Bruce was born in Dawson City, Yukon and lived in both Dawson City and Whitehorse. Bruce’s last job in the Yukon was in 1968 when he was captain of M.V. Scwatka operating cruises on the Yukon River through Miles Canyon. Bruce married his wife Wendy in 1972 and moved to Campbell River in 1976 where he practised law until 2005. Wendy and Bruce have two sons Matt and Rob.

Bruce has served on the following society boards both as director and officer: Campbell River Fish and Wildlife Club, MS Society, North Island Supportive Recovery Society, North Island Drug and Information Society, and Campbell River Environmental Society. Bruce is also a member of Rotary and believes in its motto “Service Above Self”