Rivercity Inclusion is committed to removing barriers for clients, employees and stakeholders. 

Definition of barriers are as follows

  • Architectural – architectural or physical barriers which are generally easy to identify and may include steps that prevent access to a building.
  • Environmental – can be interpreted as any location or characteristic of the setting that compromises, hinders, or impedes service delivery and the benefits to be gained.
  • Attitudinal – the evaluation of the attitudes of personnel, stakeholders, and the community at large of persons with disabilities.
  • Financial – include insufficient funding for services.
  • Employment – may focus on restrictions that prevent an individual from working, such as discrimination or incompatible work hours.
  • Communication – include the absence of technology or materials in a language or format that is understood by the persons served.
  • Technology – include the absence of technology or software to better serve the program and persons served. 
  • Transportation – include persons being unable to reach service locations or being unable to participate in the full range of services/supports and activities offered.
  • Community Integration – include any barrier that would keep the persons served from returning to full participation in their community (ex. participation in sports may be limited by the lack of a lift at a public swimming pool for someone with mobility issues).
  • Any other relevant barriers (if applicable)

You can use the form below to alert us of barriers in our society, which will be provided in our Accessibility Plan. 

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Type of barrier experienced*
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